Privacy Policy

In accordance with Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act, Self Storage Association Korea (hereinafter referred to as 'SSAK') has prepared and complies with a privacy policy to protect the personal information of its members or users (hereinafter referred to as 'members') and to promptly manage any difficulties related thereto.

Article 1 (Purpose of processing personal information)

⓵ SSAK processes personal information for the following purposes. Personal information will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures will be taken, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  1. Membership registration and management We process personal information for the purpose of confirming the intention to join the membership, identifying and authenticating companies and organizations, identifying and authenticating identities, maintaining and managing membership, verifying identities in accordance with the implementation of the limited identification system, preventing unauthorized use of services, providing various notices and notifications, and handling difficulties.

  2. Civil affairs processing Personal information is processed for the purpose of identifying the identity of the complainant, checking the complaint, contacting and notifying the complainant to confirm the facts, and notifying the processing result.

  3. Information and promotion of SSAK's business and the business of related organizations

  4. Guidance and follow-up of seminars, training programs, exchange meetings, and other businesses

⓶ SSAK does not collect sensitive information other than information for business guidance and promotion.

Article 2 (Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information)

⓵ SSAK shall process and retain personal information within the period of retention and use of personal information in accordance with laws and regulations or the period of retention and use of personal information agreed upon when collecting personal information from members. However, if any of the following reasons apply, personal information shall be processed and retained until the reason ends.

  1. In the case of an ongoing investigation into a violation of relevant laws and regulations, until the investigation is concluded.

  2. In the event of the existence of a rights and obligations relationship between SSAK and the Company, until the termination of such rights and obligations relationship.

⓶ Personal information processing and retention periods are as follows. SSAK collects and retains personal information only in accordance with laws and regulations and the consent of members, and the retention and use period shall be from the time of application for membership to the time of termination by indicating the intention to terminate. If a member stop doing business or refuses to receive information, the personal information is immediately destroyed.

Retained items

Authorizing legislation

Retention period

Retained items

Authorizing legislation

Retention period

Records of service visits

Protection of Communications Secrets Act

3 months

⓷ Refusal to provide information to SSAK can be made through the association's e-mail, and information will not be provided for the refused information.

Article 3 (Rights and Obligations of Members and Methods of Exercise)

⓵ Members may exercise the following rights related to personal information protection at any time.

  1. Request to view personal information

  2. Request for correction if there is an error

  3. request for deletion

  4. request for suspension of processing

⓶ The exercise of the rights under Paragraph 1 may be made in writing, by e-mail, etc. to SSAK, and SSAK will take immediate action on the request.

⓷ When requesting the correction or deletion of errors in personal information, the personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction or deletion is completed.

⓸ The rights under Paragraph 1 may be exercised through an agent, such as a legal representative of the member or a person who has been delegated, and in such case, a power of attorney in the form of Appendix No. 11 to the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act must be submitted.

⓹ Members shall not infringe on the personal information and privacy of themselves or others processed by SSAK in violation of relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 4 (Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties and Entrustment of Processing)

⓵ We do not provide personal information to third parties; however, we may do so if we have received separate consent from the member or in cases stipulated by law.

⓶ To external contractors with whom we cooperate to provide services, we entrust the processing of personal information to the extent necessary for the performance of our business. When entrusting work to external companies, we stipulate compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of providing personal information to third parties, liability in case of accidents, period of entrustment, obligation to destroy personal information after the end of processing, etc. through contracts, and manage and supervise compliance.

Article 5 (Items of Personal Information Processed)

SSAK collects and processes the minimum amount of personal information necessary to provide the following services through the website when registering as a member or in the process of using the service.


Purpose of Collection and Use

Collected Items


Purpose of Collection and Use

Collected Items

Membership registration and management

Confirmation of membership intention, identification and authentication of identity in providing membership services, maintenance and management of membership, and provision of services

(Required) Name, email, cell phone number,
date of birth, company/service name, address, business license number, occupation

(Optional) Homepage address, corporate registration number, business introduction

Article 6 (Destruction of Personal Information)

⓵ When personal information becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or the achievement of the purpose of processing, SSAK shall destroy the information without delay.

⓶ If personal information must be retained for reasons of information protection under other laws (see Retention and Use Period above) even though the personal information retention period agreed to by the member or others has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, the personal information shall be transferred to a separate database (DB) or stored in a different place and destroyed after being stored for a certain period of time. Such personal information will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is retained unless required by law.

⓷ The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

  1. destruction procedure

    • Personal information: The information entered by the user is destroyed without delay after achieving the purpose.

    • Personal information file: When the personal information file becomes unnecessary, such as the achievement of the purpose of processing, the abolition of the service, or the termination of the business, it will be destroyed without delay from the date when it is recognized that the processing of personal information is unnecessary.

  2. Destruction Methods

    • Information in electronic form is destroyed using technical methods that do not allow the records to be reproduced.

    • Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding with a shredder.

Article 7 Technical and administrative protection measures for personal information

In managing the personal information of members, SSAK takes the following technical and administrative measures to ensure the safety of personal information so that it is not lost, stolen, leaked, altered or damaged.

  1. SSAK is doing its best to prevent the leakage or damage of personal information of its members due to hacking or computer viruses. In case of damage to personal information, data is backed up from time to time, the latest antivirus program is used to prevent leakage or damage to personal information or data of members, and personal information can be transmitted safely on the network through encrypted communication, and unauthorized access from the outside is controlled using an intrusion prevention system, and other possible technical devices to ensure systematic security are in place.

  2. The employees who manage personal information are limited to the person in charge and are given a separate password for this purpose, which is regularly updated, and SSAK always emphasizes compliance with the Privacy Policy through frequent training for the person in charge.

  3. SSAK checks the implementation of the Privacy Policy and the compliance of the person in charge, and if any problems are found, we strive to immediately correct and correct them. However, the company is not responsible for any problems caused by the leakage of personal information due to the user's own carelessness or problems on the Internet.

Article 8 (Contact information of the person in charge of personal information management)

Article 9 (Right to refuse consent and disadvantages of refusing consent)

You have the right to refuse to consent to the personal information collected by SSAK when applying for membership, and if you refuse to consent, your membership and information provision services will be partially restricted.

Article 10 (Remedies for infringement of rights and interests)

If you need consultation or damage control for other personal information infringement, you can contact the following organizations.

Article 11 (Changes to the Privacy Policy)

SSAK may revise the Privacy Policy in accordance with changes in laws or services. If we revise the Privacy Policy, we will notify you through the homepage notice (or individual notice). However, if there is a meaningful change in the rights of members, such as the items of personal information to be collected or the purpose of use, we will notify you at least 30 days in advance.

  • Date of notification: February 08, 2023.

  • Enforcement date: February 08, 2023.